Foster Care & Adoption Services


Pathways to Permanency

Stanford Sierra Youth & Families believes each and every child deserves the love, safety, and unconditional commitment of a family and the opportunity to develop as a healthy and productive young adult. The Pathways to Permanency Program supports this goal and provides several paths to permanency to ensure every child/youth has a lifelong connection to family and the opportunity to thrive. Contact Stanford Sierra Youth & Families office at (916) 368-5114 to schedule an orientation. 


The Different Pathways

A family of four posing outside

Our commitment to success and determination to build permanent connections for vulnerable youth remain central to uniting children with loving families. Through various pathways to permanency youth can achieve lasting family bonds.

Explore the diverse services available to Resource Families that help support these permanent connections:


Pre and Post Adoption Support Services

Pre and Post Adoption Support Services

We believe every child deserves the love, safety, and unconditional commitment of a family and the opportunity to develop as a healthy and resilient young adult. Our Pathways to Permanency team is passionate about supporting adoptive families, resource families, birth parents, and adopted children.

Adoption is a lifelong journey and we are dedicated to building a welcoming community where adoptive families can thrive. We aim to empower and uplift families with accessible, tailored resources designed to meet your unique needs.


Kinship Support Services

Kinship Support Services

What is Kinship Care?

Kinship is the care for children by relatives or those like relatives due to the disruption of care with their parents. Kinship care offers the child impacted by the separation an opportunity to remain connected to their community and family.

When children are in need of stability while their parents receive support, living with someone with a connection to the child helps promote the child’s sense of identity, their self-esteem, and supports their connections to their culture and community.


Resource Families Thrive
A Podcast About Permanency

Join Resource Family Training Specialist, Daniel Sederquist as he interviews guests in Stanford Sierra Youth & Families’ podcast series Resource Families Thrive

Navigating the foster care system can sometimes feel overwhelming. One of our goals in the Pathways to Permanency program is to help members of the community (current resource families, future resource families, professional partners, or those who are just curious) to learn more about the process and lean on each other for support. Each episode in our podcast will focus on different topics featuring knowledgeable guests who will share tips and tricks for supporting youth in need.

Listen now wherever you get your podcasts!

Spotify iTunes SoundCloud Amazon