Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion


Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

At Stanford Sierra Youth & Families (SSYAF), we are committed to fostering a culture that celebrates and embraces diversity, equity and inclusion. This includes creating a workplace and environment that is welcoming and inclusive of different cultures, worldviews and lived experiences, and supporting the development and implementation of policies and practices that support all those we serve. We know that having varied perspectives and strong community partnerships help generate better ideas and outcomes and advances our mission to transform lives by nurturing permanent connections and empowering families to solve challenges together, so every child can thrive.

We stand firmly against systemic and structural racism, white supremacy, prejudice, hatred and discrimination. We will address injustices and inequities that impact our staff, and the youth and families we serve, and listen to, and share power with marginalized communities.

Diversity includes the unique ways in which we differ. From our physical attributes, our life experiences, to our varied individual perspectives, identities and ideas.

Equity is a core value of the agency. It is our shared commitment to create access to services and provide opportunity for advancement, for all in our communities, especially those who are underrepresented, in a manner that is fair and just.

Inclusion is how we strive to foster meaningful connections. Through shared advocacy, we foster environments of belonging, where members of all groups are welcomed, respected, supported and valued.

SSYAF is and remains committed to creating a place of unity where everyone is honored and feels welcomed.