Family Advocacy & Support


Family Youth and Partnership

Family Partners and Youth Advocates offer their own personal experiences and advocacy skills as a valuable layer of support to the youth and families in all Stanford Sierra Youth & Families’ programs. Having similar experiences in their past, these important partners empower young people and their families to lead their own care teams to get their needs met. Family Partners are staff members who have personal experience in the child welfare, mental health or juvenile justice systems as a consumer and/or as a parent/caregiver.


Parent Partner Services

Stanford Sierra Youth & Families collaborates with Child Welfare to provide Parent Partner Services for families involved in the Child Welfare System. The program’s goals are to engage parents more fully in the child welfare case planning and services process; provide information to parents to help them navigate the child welfare system and understand their rights and responsibilities; and provide support, modeling, and linkages to assist families in meeting their safety, permanency, and well-being goals. The program helps empower youth and families and ensure they have voice and choice in service delivery.


Parent Support Groups
Check out the list of support groups that we offer each month!

Two women on merry go round with two children

Crisis Intervention for Families

Stanford Sierra Youth & Families empowers parents and caregivers to become advocates for their children and leaders in their communities through its free monthly support group meetings.

Attendance is FREE!

Are you a resource parent, adoptive parent, parent in need, or caregiver? All are welcome to join our support group meetings, even if you do not receive services through our agency. Contact our Family and Youth Partnership team to learn more or sign up at (916) 344-0199.


Resilient Youth Speak Out (RYSO)
Activities for Youth to Learn Leadership Skills and Boost Resilience

RYSO seeks to increase exposure to positive social, relational, educational, and career routes among youth ages 13-21, as well as teach important leadership skills, build resilience, share experiences, and help each other prepare for adulthood while navigating life’s challenges. This is achieved through innovative activities, compelling speakers, field trips, and a comprehensive youth leadership curriculum.  


Kinship Support Services

Kinship Support Services

What is Kinship Care?

Kinship is the care for children by relatives or those like relatives due to the disruption of care with their parents. Kinship care offers the child impacted by the separation an opportunity to remain connected to their community and family.

When children are in need of stability while their parents receive support, living with someone with a connection to the child helps promote the child’s sense of identity, their self-esteem, and supports their connections to their culture and community.


Wonder Mentoring Program
Helping to improve the emotional and social well-being of children impacted by foster care

Wonder is a one-on-one mentoring program serving youth impacted by foster care, by connecting them with consistent, caring adults. Our mentors are there to listen, support, and guide each child through fun, age-appropriate experiences. Children who participate in the program are called “Explorers” and the adults who volunteer and serve as mentors are called “Guides.” Together, they participate in a journey of fun and exploration filled with Wonder moments.