Specialized Care

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Complex Care Program offers a behavioral treatment alternative to residential placement for youth who require an intensive level of care. The goal of this program is to provide stabilization, effective treatment, and step-down transition planning so that a youth will be able to successfully transition to a less intensive level of care and achieve permanency. Click here to learn more

Intensive Services Foster Care (ISFC) serves youth who need a higher level of care, with support services in place. Our ISFC program provides crisis management training, monthly resource parent support groups, and a higher rate of reimbursement. Click here for more info

Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) is a type of mental health service that is provided by specially-trained Resource Parents, who are supported by a Stanford Sierra Youth & Families clinician. TFC provides a stable, nurturing, family-home environment combined with mental health services and structured therapeutic care for youth who require more intensive and frequent support than can be offered in traditional foster care. Click here for more info.